We know that sometimes your iPhone’s audio volume can be a little wonky when on Facetime—you’ll be in a conversation, and then all of a sudden, everything will start getting really loud, as if you were cranking up the volume from the top of your maximum setting. We’ve been there (and still get there every now and then), but we’re here to tell you that it’s not just you! It happens to a lot of people. If this sounds like something you’re experiencing, don’t worry! There are ways to fix it. The best way to get started is by taking a closer look at these tips. We hope you find these tips and tricks useful for lowering your volume on FaceTime.

Lowering Volume on FaceTime with Siri

The first way to lower the volume on FaceTime is by using Siri. If you have an iPhone, this is probably the easiest way to do it—just say “Hey Siri,” then follow up with “lower my volume.” The phone will then lower the volume of your FaceTime call by 10 decibels (db). You can also just say “lower volume” if you prefer that phrasing instead of saying “lower my volume.”

Lowering Volume on FaceTime with Your Phone’s Settings

The second way to lower the volume on FaceTime is through a menu setting on your device. To do this, open up Settings > FaceTime and tap Turn On/Off Mute button. Then scroll down until you find Volume Control and tap on it. You’ll see two options: Raise Volume and Lower Volume. Tap either one if you want to adjust how loud or soft your voice sounds during a FaceTime call!

Why is Facetime So Loud on the Lowest Volume?

It’s a question we hear all the time. And we’ve got the answer! When you’re in a conversation on FaceTime, it’s important to be able to hear your friend or family member as clearly as possible. But sometimes you’ll notice that when you’ve turned down the volume to its lowest setting, it still seems like your iPhone is cranked up to 11. The reason for this is simple: Apple has designed FaceTime so that it raises the volume of the call when there’s background noise in order to ensure good call quality. This means that even if you’ve turned down your iPhone’s volume so that it’s barely audible, FaceTime will still raise its volume to compensate for any outside noise—even if it seems like that can’t possibly be enough. So, what does this mean for you? If you want to make sure you’re hearing everything your friend or family member is saying without having to turn up your own iPhone’s volume every time they say something, there are a few things we recommend: Make sure your phone isn’t connected to any speakers or headphones (if it has them). This will ensure that there aren’t any extra sounds. On average, the sound from Facetime is about 15 decibels louder than it needs to be. That’s about as much noise as a garbage disposal or a hair dryer—and it can make it hard for your friends and family to hear you over the phone. We want to help you solve this problem for good. Use these tips and tricks to instantly adjust the volume of your voice when you’re on Facetime, so that it’s just loud enough to be heard without being distracting or annoying. Facetime is loud on the lowest volume because of one of three things: 1) A bug in iOS 2) Your iPhone is out of date, or 3) An app running in the background is interfering with Facetime. The first two are pretty easy to check for—just visit your Settings app and make sure that you’ve got everything up-to-date. If there are any updates available, tap “Update All” and see if that solves your problem. If not, move on to step two. If you’re still having issues, it could be that an app is causing interference with Facetime while it’s running in the background. To find out which app this might be, go back into Settings and tap “Battery.” Then scroll down until you see an option called “Apps Using Significant Energy” (this will only appear if your battery saver mode is turned off). If you find that Facetime is still experiencing issues despite these steps, you should try updating your device. Your system software might say it’s up to date, but make sure that you’ve also installed any new updates for the apps on your phone. If Facetime still isn’t working after you update your phone, you might want to make an appointment at an Apple Store, particularly if there are other software issues happening as well. It doesn’t hurt to get a professional opinion on the matter.

Why Won’t My Volume Turn Down on Facetime?

Don’t you hate it when your volume button won’t turn down on Facetime? We know the feeling, and we’re here to help! If you’ve ever tried to use FaceTime on your iPhone, only to find that the volume won’t go down, you’re not alone. The first thing to check is whether or not your volume is actually on the lowest setting. If it is and it’s still too loud, then there are a few possible explanations. Here are three common reasons why your volume won’t turn down on Facetime:

  1. Volume is already on the lowest setting. If you’ve already tried turning down your volume and it still isn’t working, then this is probably why. Check your settings to make sure that it’s not accidentally turned up all the way.
  2. FaceTime is just naturally loud. If this is happening with other apps as well, then it might be because FaceTime was designed with a lot of sound in mind—so much so that it can easily overpower other sounds in your phone’s environment. Try lowering the volume on your phone before starting FaceTime to see if that helps any (you can also try turning off some apps that might be running in the background).
  3. Volume button is broken! If neither of these solutions work for you, then it could still just be a problem with your phone itself—the volume buttons may be broken or otherwise malfunctioning. In this case, you’ll need to get in touch with Apple support or go into an Apple store so they can take a look.

How to Turn Facetime Volume Down

Don’t you just hate trying to have a conversation with someone through FaceTime and the volume is at full blast? You’ve finally got a free moment to Facetime your mom and tell her all about the amazing new job you’ve been offered. But wait—you can’t hear anything! The volume is turned up so high that your ears are bleeding, but turning it down just makes the audio even quieter. The problem? Your phone’s volume is stuck on maximum, and there’s no way to fix it without restarting your device. But don’t worry—we have some tips for you!

1. Close Other Apps

If you’re running other apps on your device while using Facetime, they may be using up all of its processing power, which means there’s nothing left for adjusting the volume. Close out any other programs before trying again.

2. Turn Volume Down

Try turning down the volume on your phone by pressing the volume button until it reaches a lower level—but don’t go too far or you’ll accidentally switch off speaker mode altogether! This will give you an idea of how low you can go before losing quality in your call. You can then turn up the audio once more when talking to someone who isn’t as sensitive about hearing loss (like your mom).

3. Turn Off Speaker Mode

Turn off speaker mode for facetime to decrease volume. Swipe up from the bottom of your screen to open Control Center. Tap Mute (you’ll see this icon if you have other sound settings turned on). You’ll now see a new icon next to Mute—it looks like a speaker with a line through it! Tap this icon again to turn off mute mode.

4. Hang Up and Call Back

If all else fails, hang up and call back using FaceTime again—you can do this by holding down either Side Button (the one on the right) until an option pops up asking if you want to hang up or redial… then choose Redial!

5. Start A Screen Recording Then Stop It

If you have an iPhone or iPad, try this trick: start a screen recording using the Screen Record feature, then stop it. This will allow you to see what’s happening on your phone without actually making any sound. Then go back into the app and adjust the volume as needed.

6. Open the Snapchat Camera, Users Have Found That it Resets The Volume

If that doesn’t work for you, try opening Snapchat and adjusting the volume there—it seems to reset itself when you do that!

7. Restart The App

Sometimes all you need is to restart your app. This should solve any problems with lag or poor connection, which can cause issues with sound quality in general.

8. Use Headphones

If you’re on a laptop, plug in headphones and use them instead of the speakers. This will help reduce the amount of sound coming from your device. If someone calls you on Facetime, they’ll hear the sound of your phone ringing through the speaker on your phone—even if you don’t answer it! To get around this, use headphones and answer the call through those. Then, when you’re done talking and put down the phone, just hold down the button on your headphones until both speakers are muted (it’s pretty intuitive).

9. Sign Out of iCloud Then Back In

Sign out of iCloud (if you’re signed in) and then sign back in again, which should reset some settings and fix any issues with volume control. Sometimes when people call us on Facetime, we’ll get a notification saying that they’re calling us even though they aren’t actually calling us—they’re just trying to send us an iMessage or email. If someone has sent you a message like that recently, try signing out of iCloud then back in again so that your phone recognizes them as an actual caller instead of just an unresponsive text or email sender.

10. Turn Facetime Off Then Back On

If none of those tips worked for you, try turning off Facetime (and any other apps or services that are connected to it) then restarting your device before turning it back on again. If you’re still having trouble with the volume of your Facetime calls, these tips will help you get your phone back in working order.

11. Adjust the Microphone’s Sensitivity

If you have an iPhone 6 or later, try adjusting the microphone sensitivity in Settings > FaceTime > Microphone.

12. Check your Connections

Make sure that both parties are using a Wi-Fi connection and not cellular data. Also make sure that you’re on a strong WiFi signal; if not, move your device closer to the router or try reconnecting to it if there are multiple routers in use (like at home).

13. Turn Off Other Apps

Sometimes other apps running on your phone can interfere with Facetime’s ability to work properly. Try closing any other apps running in the background and see if there’s any improvement.

14. Restart your Device

Sometimes restarting is all it takes! Just hold down the Sleep/Wake button and Home button at the same time until it shuts down and then power it back on again by pressing these buttons again (in reverse order). You should see a black screen with Apple logo when it boots up again, indicating that everything has been reset properly!

15. Turn Off the Sound

When you’re on a FaceTime call, it’s easy to turn off the sound. Just tap the screen to show the FaceTime controls (if they aren’t visible), then tap the Mute Off button to turn the sound off. To turn the sound back on, tap the button again. When your sound is turned off, your mic detects whether you’re speaking, and you’ll be notified that your mic is muted and that you can tap the “Mute On” button to unmute it. In the end, we hope you found these tips helpful and that they’ve saved you some time and money. We’ll be sure to update this resource if we discover any other great facetime sales landing page tips, so make sure to bookmark it and come back again soon!

Top Reasons You Might Be Having Trouble

You have a broken microphone or speaker on your phone. This can happen if you drop it or get it wet, or if you just use it too much and the parts wear out over time (sorry!). If this is what’s going on with you, take it into an Apple store or wherever else you bought it from so they can fix it! It’s not difficult at all to change your facetime volume, you just have to know where to look, and then you’ll only have to click…once. Whether you’re someone who likes to sleep in on weekends or a sports aficionado (or both), you can use the steps outlined in this article to ensure that your facetime volume is nothing short of perfect for your weekend nap and the live sporting events you’ll be cheering on during your unplanned day off.


Take control of your facetime volume using these easy steps and never miss a beat again. We’ve all been there: you’re in the middle of a call, and suddenly the volume goes down (or up) and you have to scramble to get it back. Or maybe you’re trying to have a conversation with your best friend across the country and the sound quality is so bad that you can barely hear what they’re saying—and they can’t understand what YOU’RE saying! But there’s an easier way. We’re here to help you take control of the volume. Using these tips and tricks, you can make sure that your friends don’t miss a beat while they’re on video calls with YOU! We know what it’s like to have a situation where Facetime technology can make a difference—and we want to help you do that. Think of all the times that Facetime technology has come to your rescue: helping you see family members and loved ones, or connecting with business clients who are hundreds of miles away. It’s powerful stuff! But sometimes, the technology seems like it gets out of control—and then it’s hard to get the volume under control. That’s why we’re here for you. We want to help you take back control by giving you access to our tools that will let you manage the volume on your end so people can hear your voice loud and clear when they call in via Facetime.

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