While this is not a guarantee that you were in fact blocked, it is a very true possibility. There are also, however, various other explanations as to why you are seeing a message saying that your text has been sent as SMS via server. The person you are trying to reach could also not have an internet connection, or you might not have an internet connection. Maybe you are trying to text someone who has an iPhone. There is also a chance that you or the person you are texting does not have RCS enabled, or RCS is down, or maybe even the app you are using or they are using is not compatible with RCS. These are all plausible explanations for why you are being told that your text was sent as SMS via server, but being blocked by the person you are trying to reach is another possible explanation.
Why Are My Messages Sending as SMS From the Server?
1. They or You Have No Internet
One reason you may be seeing a message saying that your text was sent as SMS via server is either that you or the person you are trying to message is not currently connected to the internet. While not all messaging requires an internet connection to work, sometimes either you or the person you are messaging uses an app that does require an internet connection for messages to normally go through, which is why you have a message saying your text was sent as SMS via server. There is also the possibility that either you or the person you are trying to message also has some certain setting enabled at the time being where yours or their messaging only works when you or they have an internet connection which is why you are being told that your message was sent as SMS via server. However, even if you or the person you are trying to message is not connected to the internet, when you see the message saying that your text was sent as SMS via server this just means that it was sent over a different server than normal as either you or they currently have no internet connection so the message was still sent.
2. They’ve Blocked You
If you are sending a message to someone and next to the message, you are being told that your text was sent as SMS via server, this could mean a couple of different things, and one of those things is that you were blocked. While this is not a guarantee that you were in fact blocked, it is a very true possibility. There are a couple of different ways that you can try and test to see if this is the real reason you are seeing a message saying that your text was sent as SMS via server. One thing that you can try and do is call them. If your call immediately goes through without issue, and they either answer it or you get their voicemail, this is a pretty good indication that you were not blocked. However, if you are unable to even get to their voicemail and are instead told something like “this number is no longer in service” or your call just will not even go through, there is a pretty good chance that you were actually blocked and that is why you are seeing a message saying that your text was sent as SMS via server.
3. They’re Using an iPhone
One reason as to why your message is saying that it was sent as SMS via server is because the person you are texting has an iPhone and you do not. iPhone’s operate with a different version of message known as iMessage, but only when all parties messaging is there the option for iMessaging to exist. iMessage also relies on there being an internet connection or having cellular data. Therefore, if you do not have an iPhone, but you are messaging someone that does have an iPhone, your message may say it was sent as SMS via server because the person with an iPhone is not receiving an iMessage. On the other hand, the person who is receiving the message that is being told to you was sent as SMS via server will only see the message appear in a green bubble. Normally, iMessage appears on an iPhone user’s messaging app in blue bubbles, so they will know that you do not have an iPhone and that the message was not sent using iMessage. However, this message appearing by your text really does not alter anything as the message will still be sent through and delivered on both ends.
4. They or You Don’t Have RCS Enabled
There is also a chance that the reason you are being told that your text was sent as SMS via server is that either you or the person that you are trying to contact does not have Rich Communication Services, or RCS, enabled. RCS is a new version of text messaging services that is trying to replace SMS and become the main text messaging service that all phones and other messaging devices use. While some people did not have to do anything to their phones to enable RCS, others did. So maybe you or the person you are trying to reach has a phone that automatically enabled RCS messaging and the other did not. Then, when you go to send them a text, you are told that your message was sent as SMS via server. This is because, enabled on one of the devices but not the other, the text will automatically revert back to being sent through the SMS messaging service rather than the RCS messaging service.
5. RCS is Down
With the Rich Communication Services, or RCS, there is also a possibility that the server that runs the RCS system is down. If that is the case, then any messages that you send will have to be sent through the SMS server because the RCS one is down. This is why when you send a message to someone, the text says that is was sent as SMS via server. If this is the case and the RCS server is in fact down then the only thing that you can do to solve this is to wait for the RCS server to come back up. There is nothing that you can do to make the server come up any sooner. Waiting it out is the only solution you have so until the RCS server comes back up, any message you sent will say that the text was sent as SMS via server because the RCS server is not working.
6. You’re Using Another App to Send the Message and That App isn’t Compatible with RCS
You might also be getting the message saying that your text was sent as SMS via server if you are using another messaging app to send your text and the app you are using is not compatible with RCS. If it is not compatible with RCS, your messages will automatically default to being sent on the SMS server because it is the only option. Some of the messaging apps you may be using to text could be WhatsApp, Telegram, Skype, WeChat, Line, Pidgin, Kik, Viber, Signal, and various others. These messaging apps can be very useful and used for various reasons to make messaging easier and more efficient. However, just like if you were texting on the default messaging app on your phone, messages sent through these apps still require a server to send the message. Therefore, if you are using a messaging app that is not yet compatible with RCS or you are messaging someone who uses an app that is not compatible with RCS, your message will instead send through the SMS server and you will be told that your message was sent as SMS via server.
How to Stop Sent as SMS Via Server
1. Enable the “Show when delivered” option
One way you can stop being told that your text was sent as SMS via server is to turn on the “Show when Delivered” option instead. Doing this will vary depending on your phone type but can be done following these steps.
- To start, open up the Settings app on your phone.
- Next, click on either General or Advanced Setting, depending on which type of phone you have
- Now, go to Messaging from the page you were just on.
- You should now see the option to enable Messaging Delivery Reports, or something similar to that. This will depend on the exact phone you use.
- Enable this feature. Now, when you send a text, instead of seeing that your message was sent as SMS via server, you will simply be told that your message was successfully delivered, and you will not be told on which server it was sent.
2. Restart Phone
Restarting the phone you are using to try and send someone a text will hopefully be the solution to getting your message to stop saying that it was sent as SMS via server. To restart your phone, turn it off. Doing this will vary depending on the phone that you are using since every phone has different buttons and settings. If you are unsure how to turn off your device, look it up and you will be met with plenty of information on how to turn off the phone you are using. Once you turn off your phone, leave it off for a couple of minutes so it can fully restart. After a few minutes, you can turn your phone back on which will complete the reset. Now that your phone is powered back on and you have officially reset it, open your messages back up. This reset will have hopefully allowed for your phone to have figured itself out and now you can send messages to someone without seeing that your text was sent as SMS via server
3. Make Sure RSC is Enabled on Both Devices
To stop seeing that your text was sent as SMS via server, you will need to make sure that RSC messaging is enabled on your phone or device as well as the phone or device of the person that you are trying to message. These exact steps will vary based on what type of phone or device you are using, but can be generally followed to enable RSC.
- To start, open up the Settings app on your phone or device or the phone or device of the person you are messaging.
- Next, click on either General or Advanced Setting, depending on which type of phone or device you have or the person you are messaging has.
- Now, go to Messaging from the page you or the person you are messaging was just on.
- From there, you will be able to see Settings for just your messaging or the person you are texting will see this as well.
- You or the person you are messaging should now see RSC in your setting and simply enable this feature. After you have done this and the person that you are messaging has done this, RSC will be enabled and you should no longer be told that your text was sent as SMS via server.
4. Force Restart Device
A force restart may also be the answer to your issues with the messaging app on your phone telling you that your text was sent as SMS via server. Doing this will take it just a step further than normally restarting your phone, as it is a force restart and your phone is fully shutting down for a while. Doing this will change depending on whatever phone you are using to try and send messages on and want to get rid of seeing that your text was sent as SMS via server. Since every phone has different buttons and settings, simply search the device you are using along with force restart and you will easily be able to locate how to force restart your phone. When doing a force restart, your phone will automatically power back up once the reset is complete. Once your phone has turned back on, you will have to unlock your phone and then you can once again try and get back to sending messages. Hopefully, this will now make it so that when you send a text you are no longer seeing that it was sent as SMS via server.
5. Tell Them to Unblock You
If you are being told that your message was sent as SMS via server because the person you are trying to message has blocked you, the only option will be to have them unblock you to stop seeing this little message. If you know them in person, you can ask them directly to unblock you. If you do not know them in person, you can try and message them through forms of social media as well. Or, if you know someone who knows them in person, you can ask the person who has blocked you to unblock you so that you can message them with being told that your text has been sent as SMS via server.
6. Wipe the Cache Partition
You can also wipe the cache partition on your phone that you are using to message and being told that your text was sent as SMS via server. Doing this will depend on what type of phone you have and greatly various depending on your phone. To figure out how to wipe the cache partition, you must look up your phone and Wipe the Cache Partition. Once you have completed this, send another message and see if it no longer says that your text was sent as SMS via server.
7. Switch to Safe Mode
You can also switch to safe mode on your phone that you are using to message and being told that your text was sent as SMS via server. Doing this will depend on what type of phone you have and greatly various depending on your phone. To figure out how to switch to safe mode, you will have to look up your phone plus Switch to Safe Mode. Once you have completed this, send another message and see if it no longer says that your text was sent as SMS via server.