If You Send a Message on Facebook, Then Block Them, What Will Happen?
They’ll Still Be Able to See the Message
The first thing you might be wondering is if, after you send someone a message and block them afterward, they will still be able to see the message that you sent them. If you send anyone a message and then block them afterward, you should know that the other person, even if they are blocked, will still be able to see the message that you send them. Even if you proceed to block them after you send the message because this has happened afterward, then the message will get sent as it normally would, and the user will still be able to see the message and read it as well.
Your Profile Will Say Facebook User
Whenever you go ahead and block another user on Facebook, as mentioned, there are several restrictions that come with being blocked on the social media platform. One of these restrictions that come with being blocked on Facebook is that when the other user that you blocked tries to see or visit your Facebook profile when they are on your profile, they will not be able to see your name. Instead of seeing your name on your profile, when the other blocked user comes across your profile, instead of seeing your name on your profile, the profile will simply say Facebook User. Because of this, if you send someone a message before you block them, then if they are trying to see the message, the message will not say that it is from you. The message will instead be labeled to be coming from a “Facebook User” instead of saying that it is from you. Because of this, the user that you blocked will still be able to see the message, but they technically will not be able to see that the message is being sent from you.
Your DP Will Disappear
You might be wondering what a DP on Facebook is. A DP is simply a shortened version of the word “Display Picture”. A display picture is a picture that shows up whenever someone interacts with your profile and whenever someone is trying to see your profile on any messages that you send them as well. Whenever you go ahead and block someone on Facebook, then this displayed picture on your profile or on the messages will disappear, and they will not be able to see the picture as they were able to before. So if you have already sent them a message and then proceeded to block the user, they will not be able to see your display picture when they go ahead and try to see the profile picture of who it is coming from.
Can Someone Still Read Your Message After You Block Them on Facebook?
Now that we have covered what happens when you send someone a message and then block them on Facebook, you might be wondering if the user you blocked on Facebook can still read the message you sent them. There are several things that will still be able to happen even if you block someone after you have already sent them a message. The following things will happen if you are curious as to whether someone will still be able to read a message that you send them even after you have blocked them on Facebook.
Your Conversation is Still Visible Even If You Block Someone
Perhaps the reason that you blocked someone on Facebook after you had sent them a message is that you thought that the conversation or the messages that you sent them would not be visible to them because you have blocked them. Unfortunately, even if you have blocked the other user after you sent them a message, the user on Facebook that you have blocked will still be able to see any messages that were sent to them before you went ahead and blocked them. If you send anyone a message and then block them afterward, you should know that the other person, even if they are blocked, will still be able to see the message that you send them. Even if you proceed to block them after you send the message because this has happened afterward, then the message will get sent as it normally would, and the user will still be able to see the message and read it as well. It is also important to remember that they will have access to any messages that you sent to them before they were blocked by you.
If the Message Came Up In Their Notification Section, They’d Still Be Able to See It
As you may already be aware, whenever you send someone else a message not only on Facebook but on any social media app, is that when this message is sent to another user on the social media platform, the user that is receiving this message will receive a notification on their device that will show them a preview of what the message says. Because of this, even if you want to make sure that the user that you are blocking does not see the message, if they are receiving notifications on their device, then they will be able to see either the entire message if the message is short or a preview of the message if it is a longer message that you are sending. Another thing that you must consider is when you have already sent a message to another user on Facebook and then proceeded to block them that unless the other user deletes the notifications that they are receiving, the message will be left there in those notifications and will then be able to be viewed until that happens.
It’s Best to Unsend the Message Than to Block Them
If the reason that you went ahead and blocked the other user was that you regretted sending them the message that you sent them and you thought that by blocking them after sending the message, they would not be able to see the message that you sent them. Unfortunately, even if you have blocked the other user after you sent them a message, the user on Facebook that you have blocked will still be able to see any messages that were sent to them before you went ahead and blocked them. If you send anyone a message and then block them afterward, you should know that the other person, even if they are blocked, will still be able to see the message that you send them. Also, even if you want to make sure that the user that you are blocking does not see the message, if they are receiving notifications on their device, then they will be able to see either the entire message if the message is short or a preview of the message if it is a longer message that you are sending. Because of all of this, instead of moving forward and blocking someone on Facebook because you do not want them to see the message or the conversation that you sent them, you should consider unsending the message that you sent them through Facebook instead. Unsending a message on Facebook is a pretty simple process as well and should not take a long time or require too much effort either. The following steps will guide you through unsending a message on Facebook to make sure that the other person does not see the message that you had previously sent them.
- Go ahead and open up the Facebook main page either on the mobile app or using the desktop version of the social media app.
- Once you have the main Facebook page open, make sure that you are logged into the account which you wish to unsend the message from.
- After you have logged in to your page, go ahead and head over to your messages on Facebook.
- Head over to the conversation that you want to unsend a message from.
- Once you are in the conversation in which you want to unsend a message from, find the message in the conversation that you wish to unsend to the other user.
- After locating the message, you will want to hold down on the message bubble and wait until the different options available pop up next to the message.
- Within those messages, you will be able to see that there is an option to unsend the message. Go ahead and choose the option to unsend and confirm that you want to unsend the message to the other user. Whenever the other user does choose to open the conversation that they have with you if you do go ahead and unsend the message, then the message will not be able to be seen by them, and they will be seeing a message that will say “Message Unsent”. However, keep in mind that if they receive notifications of any messages that they receive on Facebook, then they might still be able to see a portion or a preview of the message in the conversation. All in all, these different kinds of scenarios are things that can happen whenever you send someone a message on Facebook and then proceed with blocking them afterward. There are several things that you must consider if you are going to send someone a message and then proceed to block them. If you send anyone a message and then block them afterward, you should know that the other person, even if they are blocked, will still be able to see the message that you send them. Even if you proceed to block them after you send the message because this has happened afterward, then the message will get sent as it normally would, and the user will still be able to see the message and read it as well. Unfortunately, even if you have blocked the other user after you sent them a message, the user on Facebook that you have blocked will still be able to see any messages that were sent to them before you went ahead and blocked them. Another thing to keep in mind is that even if you want to make sure that the user that you are blocking does not see the message, if they are receiving notifications on their device, then they will be able to see either the entire message if the message is short or a preview of the message if it is a longer message that you are sending. If you want to see if there is a better option instead of blocking someone after sending a message to make sure they can’t see it you should consider unsending the message that you sent them through Facebook instead.