What is Tinder Gold and Tinder Plus?
Both Tinder Gold and Tinder Plus are Tinder’s premium subscriptions. By default, Tinder is entirely free but, quite frankly, it comes with heavy limitations that makes any serious online dater frustrated. By purchasing either of Tinder’s premium subscriptions you eliminate most, if not all, of its limitations.
Can People See If You Have Tinder Gold
People can’t see if you have Tinder gold because there’s no specific icon that they could see on your profile that would indicate that you have Tinder Gold. Tinder Gold is a subscription just like any other app and nothing changes on your profile that would indicate to someone that you’re paying for Tinder. The only thing that you could change that’s only accessible to the Tinder Gold features that would indicate that you have Tinder Gold is if your age in your bio is hidden or your location keeps changing because you’ve been using the Passport feature.
Do Matches Know You Have Tinder Gold?
Some people have questioned whether or not the other person can see the tiny gold heart. The answer to that question is no: you are the only person who can tell you are using Tinder Gold because you are the only one who can see you are using it directly. However, this does not rule out the possibility of someone discovering that you have Tinder Gold (or at the very least Tinder Plus) through other ways.
Can You Tell if Someone Has Tinder Gold?
Not everyone wants to reveal the fact that they use Tinder Gold or Tinder Plus. Perhaps they feel embarrassed or perhaps it’s a matter of privacy, hence the question. But let’s get it out of the way now: no, there does not exist any indicator that someone is a Tinder Gold or Tinder Plus member, but you can find out. Fire up Tinder and view a few profiles. You’ll notice that you get a glimpse into someone’s life from the menu. People wonder if there’s some kind of star or heart or checkmark to indicate someone is a Tinder Gold member or Tinder Plus member, but no such icon exists. The only one who can directly tell if you’re a Tinder Gold member is you. Only you know that and can find out directly by opening your Settings or visiting your profile. That doesn’t mean you can’t find out. With a bit of detective work you can, at the very least, deduce if someone is a Gold or Plus member.
Does it Show if You Have Tinder gold?
When you use Tinder Gold and all the features it comes with, other people will not see that you have Tinder Gold. There will be no indication that you used Tinder Gold unless you hide your age or change your location and they know that you don’t live in that location.
How to Hide Tinder Gold Icon
You can toggle between the “Gold” and “Regular” tinder icons once you’ve upgraded to gold status. Tinder’s app icon can get customized. After iOS 14, you can use the Shortcuts app on your iPhone. It is possible to create a shortcut to Tinder using the Shortcuts app, which allows you to save a shortcut to any app to your home screen. You may find various Widget apps in the App Store that already feature Tinder app icon designs if you want to replace the Tinder app icon. It’s a lot easier to get started this way. Only Tinder Gold subscribers can change this icon when making a one-off purchase. If you do not buy a one-off purchase, you will not be able to hide the gold icon. As a Gold member, you’ll be shown to other Tinder users, and your profile will be prominently shown as soon as you’ve shown interest in a potential suitor. Tinder offers one-time purchases like super likes or boosts that can help you get more attention for your profile, but you won’t be featured as a yellow heart if someone swipes right on you.
How to Tell if Someone Has Tinder Gold
If you want to deduce if someone has Tinder Gold, you first have to understand what Tinder Gold and Plus offer because it’s the benefits of both subscriptions that offer clues into whether or not someone is a Gold or Plus member. Tinder Plus offers:
Unlimited Likes Rewind your last swipe 5 Super Likes a day 1 Boost a month Passport to swipe around the world No ads
Tinder Gold offers:
See who Likes You before you swipe New Top Picks every day Unlimited Likes Rewind your last swipe 5 Super Likes a day 1 Boost a month Passport to swipe around the world No ads
1. They Use The Passport Feature
The key feature that both subscriptions share is Passport. This function allows you to change your location to view matches in other areas. If you travel a lot and are looking to hook up while you’re in the area, Passport can be a great tool to have. But here’s the rub: if you match with someone that’s from a completely different city or state, chances are they’re using Passport and if they’re using Passport then they have, at the very least, Tinder Plus. And let’s not forget that Tinder Gold and Plus members can even hide their distance.
2. Their Age Is Hidden
Another feature that the subscription offer is the ability to hide one’s age. That’s a sign of someone with Tinder Plus or Tinder Gold. Tinder Gold has a feature that allows you to hide your age so if you can see that the age isn’t available on someone’s Tinder bio, then they’re using Tinder Gold.
3. They Tell You They Have Tinder Gold
You can conclude whether someone has Tinder gold by the number of pictures they have on their profile and if their age is visible or not. The best way, though, to be sure if someone has Tinder Gold is to ask them if they have it. You could casually ask if they know about Tinder Gold and how much it costs. You can also ask about the features that Tinder Gold has, and if they seem to know all the features, you can ask if they have Tinder Gold. If they ask you why you want to see it, you can say you were considering getting Tinder Gold, but you are unsure if it is a good idea as you have not come across anyone using it.
4. You See Tinder Gold On Their Phone
If you want to find out if someone has Tinder Gold and they’re your friend, you can check their phone. If you can access their phone, their Tinder profile will let you know if they are a Gold member. Your friend will have more access than a regular Tinder user as a Tinder gold member. They will access exclusive features, such as Passport, Rewind, and Unlimited Likes. They can also receive one Boost per month, up to five Super Likes per day, and more profile controls.
5. Ask Them If They Could See That You Liked Them Before They Matched You
If someone uses Tinder Gold, they will see all the people who like them before matching anyone. If a person says they saw you liked their profile before they matched with you, that will be a hint that they are using Tinder Gold. You can just message them saying, did you see my profile in your likes before you swiped right on me? The “Likes You” feature itself was created to make Tinder a more convenient and faster experience by eliminating the need to swipe through other people’s profiles in the hopes of finding matches. Their Likes will appear on the same screen as their matches if they have tinder gold themselves. These will be displayed in the first circle before the individual profiles of the matches. By tapping on this circle, they’ll see a new screen where the profiles of all of their Likes are displayed in a grid that they can scroll through vertically. People’s profiles can get viewed in more detail by tapping on them in the grid itself. Then they can swipe right or left on you.
Should You Care?
To be frank, it doesn’t really make a difference if the person you’re talking to is a Gold member. Grant it, there’s certainly room for people to make that decision themselves. In fact, if someone has Gold or Plus then they have access to changing their location. For the average person that’s looking for someone special, this feature is pretty useless unless you’re on vacation or on a business trip then you may use it for the sole purpose of hooking up for a night or two, zero commitment involved. If that’s the case, then yes it will matter if the person you’re meeting is a Gold member because they could be leaving the next morning and you may have had a real connection with them; dating is already hard enough. If you feel that Tinder Gold will get in the way of your matches, then it’s up to you to be upfront with your matches right from the start. Make it clear that if they have Tinder Gold, and you feel it can compromise the connection, then you have every right to cut the conversation there. Tinder Gold and Plus both open the opportunity for people who simply want to mingle for a night or two, and that may not be what someone is looking for.
Bottom Line
As you can see, there’s no direct indication that someone has Tinder Gold or Tinder Plus, but there are a few indirect clues that you can use to assume a match has, at the very least, Tinder Plus. Or you can simply ask. That’s as direct as you’re going to get.